Customer Testimonial

Andrea and I would like to once again thank you and the Team at Dolphin Leisure for making it possible to buy the Catalina Classic XL4000CD Spa. You really feel like you are a member of the Dolphin family when buying your Hot Tub from Dolphin Leisure. One thing we really appreciated was how you were able to arrange a special order for a color combination that was no longer offered in Europe. Moreover you kept us constantly updated when the tub a) left the factory in the USA b) arrived in the UK c) was picked up by the shipper. Your shipper used a local company here in the mountains of Switzerland, who actually knew us (they helped us move the tub into place in the back yard) You also answered our questions and advised on the right accessories (the covermate 11 underside, comes to mind)  Finally you had the lowest price we found on the internet and we certainly saved £££££'s versus a local supplier.

A note about the Catalina XL4000CD. This Hot Tub has it all and is truly a joy. We use it about 3 - 4 nights per week and find it easy to maintain. It is a great package that includes everything on our list. Lots of jets, nice lighting and the Trevi fountains are great to sit under. It also has a good stereo system. Finally the Ozonator seems to work well and I just quickly clean the filters every two weeks (in addition to adding the normal chemicals). The jets are high quality and the Balboa control unit commissioned on its own and simply started working. The Hot Tub's compact size also allowed us to fit it into a tight space. Overall you can't ask for a better tub at that price.

Thanks and regards from Kublis Switzerland.




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